“Internet Info” (copied from book)

This copy is especially for the convenience of readers of the printed version.
We do not receive any commission for the sites mentioned.

“Internet Info”

We particularly recommend the following:

From the Pilot’s Perspective

  1. Mentour Pilot
    by a Swedish Boeing 737 training captain. His explanatory videos with emphasis on piloting and safety have been so good he has been able to build up a very wide following with over two million subscribers. What is more, his success has not only enabled him to take time off from the major airline he worked for to devote himself to the offerings, but also benefit from the support of a team of great technical people for visual presentation and even research into details that others miss.
    Also see his website https://mentourpilot.com
    He is also creating a cell phone App called MENTOUR APP.
  2. Blancolirio
    While this almost “one man” operation does not have the bells and whistles of Mentour Pilot, it provides a great human factor analysis of events whether major or minor such as the problems faced by a pilot executing an emergency landing at a busy airport such as Los Angeles or a helicopter pilot ferrying a sports personality in fog.

    Aviation in General
  3. For profound interpretation of major happenings in aviation there is first and foremost:
    Aimed more towards professionals, payment is required for full access, though much can be gleaned free of charge.
    A top feature, entitled Bjorn’s Corner, has analyses by Bjorn Fehrm, one of the first people to clarify what the MCAS problems with the Boeing 737 MAX were all about.

  4. Magazines such as
    Aviation Week
    Flight Global
    AEROSPACE (published by Royal Aeronautical Society, UK)
    Email: [email protected] (+44 (0) 20 7670 4354) for subscription details.

  5. There is also AIM, https://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/atpubs/aim_html/
    the FAA’s Aeronautical Information Manual, and
    The Official Guide to Basic Flight Information and ATC Procedures.
    Also, by the FAA, there is the
    Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge—a very detailed PDF.
    All these can be found by going to:
  6. And SKYbrary.
    a European site with safety-related information and a dictionary explaining in detail almost everything.
  7. For the very latest and a historical view of “Incidents and News in aviation” there is
    The Aviation Herald

  8. Military Related Information (Mainly US)
    Below are links to particularly useful pages within the sites:
  9. AIR & SPACE FORCES Magazine
    Weapons and platforms


    Air warfare


  12. Don’t forget Wikipedia!
    Adding Wiki to a search term will help you find it.

  13. Quora for the wider public, where a question is posed with an initial answer and people commenting, very often with personal experience or specialist knowledge. You can even search for items in a category.

    Our Flying Know It All website has a replica of this list which can be used to open the links in this entry.
    The site also has the section “OTHER LINKS” listing other very interesting sites including many on YouTube